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Although at that time, I did not know how to apply the word of God to stop those critters from clinging to my socks. So it was an ever so gently removing of the socks and shoes outside the house before entering into the house to wash off all that field dust and hitchhikers. Yikes!
I find places to walk today that are people friendly like level paths for the feet, dry areas and mostly grass, asphalt or concrete. I am not much of an enthusiast for finding those wild, wide open spaces where animals rule. One dog in the house is plenty. I certainly do not need to go looking for further adventures with the "wild game" of America.
Had seen this video clip on the "news" recently of this group of men who got out of an SUV to take pictures of Cheetahs.......NOW, did they not know the Cheetahs are known for how fast they can run....????
But seriously why do something like that? Are people not in their right minds when taking adventures on hikes, vacations or cruises to those far away places where there are still animals, critters to hitchhike on socks and even some things we would rather not mention here.
But I remembered today of this lady who took her family on a trip to Bermuda one summer. But of her return proved delightful to her in that she has three children and the oldest was a son, they all cooperated by the rules in place to have family time and fun together. Her son proved vital for help on the trip and the girls were a set of twins who were about four years old at the time, laughed a lot and agreed with what mommy said!
The lady came in to our work place about a week after her trip home and told us of that trip and how the sun was great but she was not feeling too well. She had some fatigue and had slept a lot since returning home. She also happened to show us this long red mark on her right leg. It was a streak of red from the side of small toe up the side of her calf. Yikes again! I asked her if she had been to the Dr. and she had not been but she told us that she had made an appointment for that day!
When she returned to our place of work, she told us of her report and she had been snared by some parasite from the sandy beaches of that region. Although they were told to wear sandals especially on the beaches and when showering in those shower stalls next to the ocean, still she had contracted a hiker who hitched all the way back to Washington State.
She had to take medicine for parasites and recovered from her ordeal, she though shared that she thought she would take a different kind of trip the next time.
Snares? Proverbs 22:5 Amplified Bible 5 Thorns and snares are in the way of the obstinate and willful; he who guards himself will be far from them.
Thought of this and wondered if the people who have resorts to visit really give the proper information to those traveling abroad to see their vacation land? For those who do not tell truth to those coming to the "resort" will certainly encounter some thorns and snares.
For people who will not operate in truth will lead others into certain dangers. If a full shoe was needed to cover the entire foot instead of some a sling sandal, maybe the hitcher would not have caught a ride with this woman to her home.
Reflecting on her time there, she was glad or happy for some real time "with her children" and enjoy some summer sun, but to be sick on returning to her home was not in her plans at all! For this lady came home with something "that troubled" her body and could have caused some serious damage to her body.
I wonder today how many go around with parasites from other countries and regions and never know they have them!
We must know truth and be given to hearing truth and what lies outside the region of which we live. For certain travel is necessary at times when some family member is ill or one just wants to get out and see some scenery other than down the I-5 corridor in the northwest.
Not sure this lady took any more adventures outside the mainland, but I know I would check out which "critters" live in that region of the world and what chances are they likely to catch a ride of a human type transport.
People may lie, and lie to their advantage, but God will never lie to us. He gives us His wisdom that speaks only truth to us. Lying is wicked (Psalm 109:2 and Proverbs 13:5) and an abomination to the Lord (Proverbs 12:22). And we know that all lies originate from the devil who is the father of lies. John 8:44
God is
to be our wall. He puts a wall around His people to keep Satan at bay. He did
that in the example of Job. Satan complained, “have you not made a hedge [wall]
around him, around his household and around all that he has on every side? (Job
1:10) It was only when God removed that wall that Satan could attack Job. And
we see what Satan did to Job.
We each
have the personal work of rebuilding the “wall”. It is one who seeks to have a strong
relationship with God, and then see that it is He Who provides the defenses for
us and our loved ones. Yes God is our WALL!
Before traveling this summer be sure to find out all the necessary information to the place you decide to visit. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what may be necessary information the travel people forgot to tell you and what you really need to know about. And ask questions about the region or place you have chosen to travel.
God desires us to wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Enjoy the warm summer breezes, the scent of honeysuckle and watch in the evening hours for those lightning bugs and be reminded that God lights our way we when ask Him to light our way and enjoy His goodness that he has for you and me!
New teaching at: Voice of Prayer
Beyond Our Ability by God's Power
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New teaching at: Life Giving Wells
Positive Good in the Face of Evil
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