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Dragonflies |
Had a flashback to the earlier day and how anything our family bought lasted for years. My mother had no automatic dishwasher other than my sister and myself. One of us would wash and the other would dry. Of course the one drying had some extra opportunity to complain about the dishwasher. I like drying myself, but I chose to rinse again if need be. But anyone who dried them, had to put them away and that meant extra work indeed! So if you liked drying and complaining, you paid back in extra work.
Heard this clip of a mid-afternoon show coming on (yesterday)...it was during the news break at noon. I actually like One America News because they give accurate news and not the garbage the regular media seem to think I want to hear. NO thank you!
From a local station, a preview of a coming attraction showed this young woman of about twenty and she did not think her dad was giving her enough money to live on weekly. Okay I am catching up, now what ....is she receiving an allowance or what? Then the host of the show shouted out a thousand dollars a week. I stopped from exiting the room. A thousand dollars a week? And the young woman starts to cry, stands up like in a fit of hurt and demands more money, because....and hear this....she does not want to work at a job because " it is so hard"!
I had no words. Really I still have no words for this thing I heard and they televised yesterday. I figure if you are in good health, no broken bones and have a brain, you can work at a job. Most people I know have jobs, have worked at a job or are about to get a new job! How exciting is that to do something, be creative in the person God created each of us to be, right?
So with quality, washing dishes, and a thousand a week is not enough.....something is out of whack somewhere! I remember my dad saying a job was an advantage to many people. He grew up in the time of the great depression and many people had no jobs to go to or make money for their families.
In all this, I think what an advantage we have in God when He can show us the right place to work to make the finances we require, we can find ways to make washing dishes fun when you really dislike the dishwasher to run. (people say the run quiet today, I disagree!)
But by prayer each day we can touch the face of God and speak of the desires in the new job, maybe a new dishwasher or even pray for someone else's need.
Making demands today seems to be the rule of the day. People making demands on that which they either know nothing of or they know all too well!
BUT what about the demand for quality to go in us before we go any further?
the standard of a thing measured; to the degree of excellence: do you work
toward a better marriage, do you work in knowing your kids better
order: working according to the nature and the purpose of a machine or of a
person…OF A person will be one….of favorable character with tendency/
praiseworthy character Merriam Webster Dictionary
Strength is Living conditions that regards one alive with life blood, as
to necessity for food, shelter,
clothing and security..….. also to
having regard for actual life that which is valid…., has the meaning of the legitimate
living by force…that is sound and reliable.
people see us as being sound, reliable, a legitimate one who lives with
ability, a quality of excellence that has a praiseworthy character?
this code of conduct, it was our God who gave us true happiness and well being
through that which is truth in His instruction.
In a nation that was founded on God, the initial word at the very beginning was for people to read and write.
In all the years I went to school and graduated from high school, the point was to be educated to read and write and to work at some job. It was to prepare for " the future"! Yesterday my husband and I were appalled to hear that in city of Detroit Michigan that only a 5 percent number of those graduating high school have the ability to read and write their own name. In the city of Baltimore Maryland, it was a little more at 11 percent of those graduating high school could read and write their name. Why is that leaders are allowing the young people to be "dumbing down" when educated should be the optimum word for the day of their youth to their graduation year. They say many are not going to college because of money, but I wonder how many are not going to college because they cannot read or write. I know this is going on in some cities for we heard it done last year in a school system in Oregon.Quality! If measured to the excellence scale where will most find themselves whether the business owner, the college professor or the doctor at some hospital? I certainly want someone qualified to operate if that is necessary for life, but if they cannot read or write then they will have no credentials to do that "thing". How sad for so many who lack an education they really deserved.
While at home, we did what we were asked and for an allowance, I do not remember one. We helped out with chores and feeding the livestock, and we got to see a movie once and awhile, but I do not remembering feeling that I missed anything from the time. I loved being with my parents, although I did not feel that I knew that all that well, but they saw that they had a job, and they saw we were fed and clothed with education in mind for our futures!
No, in fondness I think of the times of washing dishes with my sister, I think of the conversations we had around the table in the kitchen and how much laughter spilled into the yard for many to hear in our neighborhood. We never seemed to be without, but I remember my mother telling me at times not to ask for anything.
BUT there was generally two things I always asked for: one was pens to write my school work and the other was "ruled paper" to write the homework on to deliver it to the teacher the next day.
Yes in fondness, I think of my parents who decided to put some quality in their children and into their family. I pray that will happen in these United States of this country we call America. There should be no dumbing down for our youth, for they will lead someday. Hopefully it will not be in a welfare line, the food line or even any kind of hand out line, but they receive an education that will help them grow in life to become those responsible citizens this country needs!
Let's be responsible adults. We are to know the authority that has been given us here on earth in our salvation. Our authority that came through Jesus is to rule by the word of God, stand firm believing God's instruction to us and then be fully committed to seeing His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Only that which is allowed as holy is that which is approved by God. It is not by manipulating others to get something or even to get something done.
If this lack of quality in lives continues and famine appears what will be the outcome? The headline may carry news of famine, disease or Zika virus. But as a child of God I check out dried food reserves, I pray for clouds of dragonflies to come to this region of Washington and eat up those mosquitoes with Zika virus and I expect God to show us the next instruction for all our days on this earth.
If you wash a dish, or dry a dish, if you require extra money every week for living expenses the best place to start is with God. And pray for the youth of your community that they will be raised in the admonition of the Lord, be raised to be excited about going to school, to learn to read and write and to become the citizens God intended for them to become. We are to remember God is faithful and those who call on Him in spirit and truth, He will answer as we abide in His family, He will move prosperity to our home, life into our lives and continue to experience His goodness all the days of our lives in that quality of excellence! Amen.
Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds to sorrow to it.
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