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How Far Can YOU Reach Out? |
For each
of us, we too still have that need to sometime just “get away from it all” and unwind.
I find I can be more keyed up if it is in a city of a million people. I
remember the story of our daughter and son-in-law going to New York. When they returned
from this trip the stories were many and rather scary!
I remember
their descriptions of the loud horns honking and people running to get out of
the way of the vehicles and this was on the side walk! Nope, not going to visit
there….I will not find that enjoyable if cabs and such drive on the sidewalks in New
York City.
But “how
far” will we reach for something to grasp, to do or just to think on? How far
will we extend ourselves in the pocketbook or extend ourselves in eating “too
this morning in thinking of Paul and is his words in Acts 17. We must reach out
to Him!
Acts 17:24-28 Amplified Bible 24 The God Who produced and formed
the world and all things in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell
in handmade shrines. 25 Neither is He served by human hands, as though He
lacked anything, for it is he Himself Who gives life and breath and all things to all [people]. 26 and He made from
one [common origin, one source, one blood] all nations of men to settle on the
face of the earth, having definitely determined [their] allotted periods of
time and the fixed boundaries of their habitation ( their settlements, lands,
and abodes). 27 So let they should seek
God, in the hope that they might feel after Him and find Him, although He is
not far from each one of us. 28 For in Him we live and move and have our being;
as even some of your [own] poets have said, For we are also His offspring.
It is in
Him that we live, move and have our being! When I allow my heart to rise in
worship…….without the smoke and swirling lights, without the “bass guitar”,
without Cindy Sue leading, I allow God my Father to invade my heart. My
lifting my heart in worship I am seeking His presence, His love and His peace!
choosing to adore Him, I am reaching into those places that is within my “own
heart” that needs changing.
How far can you reach out? Well,
how far is “your want to”…reach and what is it you are reaching for….another
trip, another game, another new “thing” or another place just to “look”.
Reaching out to our Lord is reaching out with
an open heart! It is reaching out with a song in our heart.
When we
reach for Him through worship we gain our strength through Him so our strength will
increase. And when we do that, even our determination will increase to reach out to
past week, we had spent some time with our family. Our grand-daughter had much
to say about those with fat eye lids who cannot see God or the sun! And in her
reflection she thought reaching out was going out to enjoy what God has created
and then for us to enjoy the beauty of the great out-doors! I agree with her
that our eyes will certainly see more clearly when we keep in mind Who created
all this for us! But can you imagine the depths or heights one might ascend to
in God when we worship with an open heart………..one open to the truths of God and
never locking them out ever.
reaching out for Him, requires us to yield to Him! And our God certainly wants
to fill us with His presence. He certainly desires to give us opportunities to
minister life to others through Him. One thing is certain, relationship is
needed. In fellowship, we are expressing trust in Him who is more than enough.
He truly is our sufficiency. God our Father desires us to reach out like
children. He desires us to continue with Him and by His Spirit He will reveal
When we
truly choose to open wide our hearts, we find He will reveal the hurts, the
wounds, and the pain from previous calamities of the past. Reaching for Him, we
reach His love that will penetrate the wounds and declare them healed. He will
access that hurt and cause the light of His Word to reveal that which was just
about a trust in a man and not in God
Himself. Like our grand-daughter said, God likes to remove the fat from our
eyes so that we are no longer blind.
Psalm 73:5-9 Amp. Bible 5 They are not in
trouble as other men; neither are they smitten and plagued like other men. 6
Therefore pride is about their necks like a chain; violence covers them like a
garment [like a long, luxurious robe]. 7
Their eyes stand out with fatness, they have more than heart could wish; and
the imaginations of their minds overflow [with follies]. 8 They scoff, and
wickedly utter oppressions, they speak loftily [from on high, maliciously and
blasphemously]. 9 They set their mouths against and speak down from heaven, and
their tongues swagger trough the earth [invading even heaven with blasphemy and
smearing earth with slanders].
commentary notes these people are as common as the human “hog” that desires more and
more. They are always pushing the envelope and never know the real truth. They
like making stuff up as they go along in life. They do not like God and will
have nothing to do with worship to Him. Even more they revile the saints of
God. They hate those who follow as disciples of Christ Jesus.
the world can certainly serve you up some “ grand stuff” but will not give
life, will not bring you into the presence of the almighty God but will only bring
you to the place of folly!
We each
have an ability given by God to seek Him, yet many choose ease, that which
dictates their choice of excuse to put off any work. They are passive, lack initiative, live by the
habit of procrastination, ( their vocabulary is full of procrastinations ). They
are oblivious to the dire results they will suffer by the lack of discipline
their lives require! They speak : IT IS NOT A GOOD TIME!.....
hearts play a real role in our choosing: & from God we have creativity, we
have flair to be the original that God created and not a copy! We are to be leading by action, we are to be
in motion, to be responsible …Romans.
12:7-9 Amp. Bible 7 He whose gift is practical service, let him give himself to
serving; he who teaches, to his teaching, 8 He who exhorts (encourages) to his
exhortation, he who contributes, let him do it in simplicity & liberality;
he who gives aid and superintends, with zeal and singleness of mind; he who
does acts of mercy, with genuine cheerfulness & joyful eagerness. 9 Let
your love be sincere ( a real thing) ; hate what is evil [loathe all
ungodliness, turn in horror from wickedness], but hold fast to that which is
out is doing something. It is active and it is to seek the Good of GOD! We are
to hate evil and love with sincerity. To do that we must give our hearts to
Him, so that we will live and move and have our being in Him.
Hebrews 13:15 By him therefore let us offer
the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips
giving thanks to his name.
Colossians 3:1,2 If ye then be risen with Christ,
seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of
God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
May we
allow Him to invade our hearts when we give the sacrifice of praise to God
continually. For the fruit will appear in thanks to His name and we will see
with the new vantage point, not with fat eyelids but truly see with eyes wide
open to see the beauty of the Lord and
abide in a joyful eagerness to reach for Him more and more every day. Amen!
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The Wonder of God & His Instruction
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New teaching at: Life Giving Wells
Studying to Give an Answer
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