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To add or attach long lists to what God has already done:wrong! |
Attachments are good on a sewing machine! Attachments are good on say your Kitchen-Aid Mixer, or coffee maker, yet having attachments to people is not a good thing!
Now for these Pharisees that spoke with great words that they knew of Moses, that God spoke with Moses, but with this Fellow, they knew nothing. They had evidently a great attachment to Moses. They highly regarded him and continued to add even more rules to the Law Moses implemented. Their accountability moved from God to man! Yikes! And they confused personal preferences with divine law.
In verse 30 the young man speaks out with boldness..."Here a man has opened my eyes, and yet you do not know where He comes from [that is amazing!]
The Pharisees are so upset with this, they seem to point the young man to God and how He spoke to Moses and how God does not listen to sinners. These men became arrogant in speech when they retorted" and do you presume to teach us?" They resorted to their own kind of righteousness!
God heals today just like He did when Jesus walked here! And still there are those who will never submit to His healing power. Jesus certainly opened many eyes to see Him. And the ones of who really needed to see, were steeped in their own thing. They lived in inconsistencies, and with a judgmental spirit. They desired to stay in their own goodness not going anywhere or doing anything for God caused them to miss out entirely on God's movements through Jesus.
How sad today there are those steeped in their own ways of living or think they are living for God and in truth have not seen Him in a long while. WE certainly need to know what we are connected to and connected with. Pharisees worshiped Moses. They worshiped the past. Instead of worshiping God they had no sight to see life when it appeared on the scene. When we start changing God's word to fit our lives, instead of allowing His word to align us to His thoughts and ways we fall into a big pit of trouble.
If we make our time only to connect with last years times with God, those wow moments that have long passed, then how can we possibly expect to connect with God today. Surely He knows where we are and what we are doing. But do we know where He is actively moving in and through today?
Without Him we can do nothing! Without the Lord, we lose big time! Without life from Him we find only dead things!
Isaiah 42:6-9 Amplified Bible 6 I the Lord have called You [the Messiah] for a righteous purpose and in righteousness; I will take You by the hand and will keep You; I will give You fro a covenant to the people [Israel], for a light to the nations [Gentiles]. 7 To open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners, from the dungeon, and those who sit in darkness from the prison. [Matthew 12:18-21] 8 I am the Lord; that is My name! And My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to graven images. 9 Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth I will tell you of them.
The Lord Jesus came for purpose to bring to light them that were in darkness. And when the chosen people refused, the Gospel came to the Gentiles. When Jesus exposed the religious men they reviled Him and called Him terrible names. In their wickedness they called Him wicked! Their judgment would be seen some seventy years later when one stone would not be left on another.
Without Christ, we are empty, void of life and headed for a place with no God and much doom! What was revealed by the Holy Spirit in Jesus, can be the "new", going on a pathway that is well-lit, going in the sound of glory for God's name who wanted us. He desired us and we were to take nothing into this arrangement. We were to receive life by repenting of sins!
And the attachment came by the Blood of Jesus!
What is of religion must be removed from us! What is of rules and regulations set by men is to be removed as well. Our walk is to be in accordance what God our Father as set down. It is for boundary and safety. We are saved by Grace and in that the "shed blood of Jesus" binds us to the heart of God. The only attachment you or I need is the Blood of the Lamb and within that we are truly saved, looking upon the beauty of the risen Savior and looking forward to His soon return. Amen!
New teaching at: Voice of Prayer
Moses, Sent Back for Purpose
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New teaching at: Life Giving Wells
Studying to Give an Answer
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