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Are our emotions like wild horses? |
Our emotions should not rule us. They make bad masters! And running hot and cold, wearing emotions on our sleeves, melting at the first hint of confrontation only proves a great disaster in results. Are our emotions like wild horses running wild? Was hearing a testimony of this gentleman yesterday and as he spoke of seeing heaven I began to see the garments of those in heaven. As he continued of the worship of heaven, was reminded of scripture of the garments a believer is dressed in.
Like for
salvation and that robe of righteousness: there is listed two garments found in Isaiah
61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God;
for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the
robe of righteousness. As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a
bride adorns herself with her jewels. 11 For as the earth brings forth its bud,
as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, So the
Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the
So here we
have two garments. Salvation would be like a white tunic or like such worn to
feet. But the garment of righteousness is a robe. That righteousness is that “repentant heart” that keeps coming
to God to hear and obey. The repentant chooses to live by faith and not by
self. The righteous know who the LEADER is. They know the KING of kings and
LORD of lords! That robe is one we read of in the son who returns home after spending all his money on wine, women and song! You can find that in Luke 15:11-24.
Ever hear
that phrase: “now be kind like Jesus!” Jesus was merciful but Jesus was authority
and He knew from whom He had been given authority. ( John 5:27 and John 17:2) Many people enter the door
by salvation. They go through Jesus and step just inside the safe zone and there they stop. But the Lord
will ask what we did with that salvation we received! And what will be our
answer to that question when asked? If we just stop and do nothing with our salvation, but does that speak about us?
God is the
Refuge of the Righteous: Psalm 94: 1-7 NKJV O LORD to whom vengeance
belongs----O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth! 2 Rise up, O Judge of
the earth; render punishment to the proud. 3 LORD, how long will the wicked,
how long will the wicked triumph? 4 They utter speech, & speak insolent things; all the workers of
iniquity boast in themselves. 5 They break in pieces Your people, O LORD, &
afflict Your heritage. 6 They slay the widow & the stranger, & murder
the fatherless. 7 Yet they say, “The LORD does not see, nor does the God of
Jacob understand.
“Oh Lord rise
up against those against YOU!” 1
John 2:15-16 NKJV 15 Do not love the world or the things in the
world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For
all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, & the
pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.
We are
warned in I John 2:15-16 to not love the world of Satan's creation because it
is a huge reservoir of influences to accomplish our own ambitions and not God’s
plan. Worldly
Ambitions Affects Everything we do including Prayer: Luke 18: 11-12 Amp. Bible "The Pharisee took his stand ostentatiously
and began to pray thus before and with himself: 'God, I thank You that I am not like the rest
of men—extortioners (robbers) , swindlers [unrighteous in heart and life ], adulterers,
or even like this tax collector here. 12
I fast twice a week; I give tithes of
all that I gain (or possess)'"
Pharisee was blinded & his spiritual condition suffered. He could not see
God nor hear His voice! He did not recognize that the kingdom had come to him!
49:16 “Your fierceness has deceived you,
the pride of your heart, O you who dwell in the clefts of the rock who hold the
height of the hill! Though you make your nest as high as the eagle, I will
bring you down from there,” says the LORD.
One of pride's most destructive fruits is self-deception. It is that
blindness to one's own spiritual condition. It strongly tends to produce a
sense of infallibility, Inerrancy, and yes, Unreliability in us!
We are
given these nuggets of truth in the Book of Proverbs: Proverbs 13: 6 NKJV
Righteousness guards him whose way is blameless.
11:4 b But righteousness delivers from death. 5 The righteousness of the
blameless will direct his way aright. But the wicked will fall by his own
11:8 The righteous is delivered from trouble, and it comes to the wicked
When will real true Believers willing step out of the crowd of cowards and pioneer a
path forward with divine wisdom, supernatural strategies, and offer the world
transforming love that actually does conquer a multitude of sin? Many just walk a path with blurred
perspectives on what sin is. And they most certainly have no concept of true
love really is!
We are to understand that Conviction is not Condemnation. When Jesus spoke with the woman who was caught in adultery (John 8:1-11) He said, “Does no one condemn you? Neither do I condemn you. Go your way and sin NO MORE!” Did you catch that?
Jesus tells her that He does not condemn her though He makes a
point to tell her to go and sin no more. How many of you know that when God
convicts us, He actually empowers us to “go and sin no more.” Get it straight,
knowing the difference between right and wrong is considered wisdom, not
bigotry and damnation, as the world defines it. It is not demeaning a race of
people of their attitudes of working, earning that living to support family and
make a difference in a community and the nation of which they live.
To live in
peace is following like the rules of the roadway! To live in peace with others
is obeying what is placed before you as in education: reading, writing, math
and science. It is learning what kills and to stay away from it. Lying kills
and so do abortions. If we dummy down education for our youth, the future children as tomorrows adults, will they be the responsible or reside in sexual perversion and sickness and disease of such horrific sexual exploits? Should our future be exploited to only use the flesh and not the mind and heart to know the Lord? How can a “human
right” deliver another human to death? But we see it here when people lie and
call an actual child in the womb a mass of tissue? REALLY! Or when school leadership is calling for a child of 5 to know pornography! WHAT???
Brutality is evident. And that brutality is seen in classrooms, in screen time and other times too! It is moving toward normalizing a brutalization of a life of another. Any misguided feelings will lead you down a brick road to a man pretending to be the great Oz!
It was like seeing this pole with an electric box used to move something in the sewer system. Yes, I was watching the news. And this occurred in another state. What captured my attention was all "those snakes". And they were big ones too climbing this pole.
Now my husband had to explain it to me. This was in another state in the south! In the video shown, these bull snakes were trying to get up this tall tower of a pole to get at what the media thought to the power box. Yeah, that was wrong!
My husband explained where this is located ( the electrical box)opens into that part of upper sewer system and the decay of “such stuff” was most likely drawing the mice and big rats to eat there. So the top part of pole above the ground was probably, yes full of rats and mice. So the bull snakes, some eight feet long were climbing up this pole to get to the big rats. Yikes! That then made much more sense to me. But to see big snakes hanging on an electoral box did not make sense to me at all! Normal for the snakes was rats indeed. Their behavior was evident in their ravenous appetite. So too, renaming sin, calling evil good and good evil is a path leading to a bankrupt life and mind. It is a cesspool where morals are only fit for the rats! ( and large snakes)
In other words, forming a new moral code out of misguided feelings or sinful temptations pacifies society's conscience and creates a "normal" out of behavior that would otherwise be seen as overtly wrong. Renaming sin is a bottomless moral cesspool. Where is the line ever drawn? Certainly, we should mourn over all the corruption, the wickedness that seems to infiltrate even into the most unlikely places like board rooms, school classrooms, rehabilitation centers & even day-cares for babies and toddlers. Are our hearts revealing God’s character for these injustices in the land of plenty?
Will He
find us distressed & repulsed by what is displayed on television screens or
on the wide screens that are displayed on the major squares & business hubs
of cities like New York City, Las Vegas or even Dallas? For if we are those who are called by His
name, set apart to do exploits, in Him we find and become what He purposed,
that we, yes you and I would be a people dressed in robes of righteousness to
display His kingdom that has come.
Turning a
blind eye to any sin is not merciful and never will be! Mercy extended is to
him who by an act of adultery is given mercy. But for the person who says
adultery is right always, then mercy is not merciful because it is only for
those with a repentant heart who turn from adultery and speak they were wrong
to do that. There must be that confession of being wrong of whatever is not of
God and His mercy or His merciful heart. Without repentance, one is only a
pretender. They say all is okay. And so they continue to pretend! The sinner who kills that unborn child, or the
person who tells the homosexual he is okay in his sin, is offering pretense and
emotions. They are turning a blind eye to protect the sinner’s feelings. We are
to adjust to God, He does not adjust to us! He is God! He is the Possessor of
the heavens and the earth. He changes not!
walked among those who lived in Israel. Many knew Him as the carpenter’s son,
but He was not the poor. His step-father Joseph was a stone mason and was known
as far and as wide where nations connected knew the stone mason who could do
the job at that time. Ever seen any of that wonderful mosaic floor patterns, walls of mosaic patterns, or exotic hallways of color and style that has been uncovered in the holy land? God would not send His only Son into the hands of a
nobody, of someone destined for the streets for each of us has purpose and as God sent His Son to him who
would raise Jesus up to be the responsible and the reliable where work is noble and honor is given when truth is found and lived.
Even today, archaeologists have uncovered
where Jesus' home was located close to the sea of Galilee. It was not a tiny shack! Jesus told us that it
is the truth you know that sets you free. It will be what is given to our
hearts in truth where understanding of God’s words help us to possess the land,
to possess that place in which He has called us to stand. (Leviticus 20:24) It is to be a place
of milk and honey not of sewers and phoneys!
delivers us from death! It delivers us to a land that is holy unto the Lord. Righteous behavior delivers us to pathways of peace. And
it delivers us to being noble and courageous, not cowards caving under some
brutal and hateful attitude of a few who are against God. Where are the people
who believe in God, who cling to the hope in Jesus Christ who really understand
the “sign of the times”? I am in awe
that today, modern Christianity has become more about sanctioning sin and
calling it unity than it is about God or His kingdom. God forbid someone ever
feel the presence of conviction and experience the uncomfortable tension that
comes with the weight of sin.
For certainly sin is crouched at the doorway! And many believer’s must be walking daily with the Lord and not standing by the doorway pushing, shoving and jockeying for positions. Walking with the Lord, is a daily thing, it is daily revealing in our hearts openly to Him. Talking with Him is not “what’s up Doc”? but it is what is standing at the doorway Lord? God certainly told Cain that sin was crouching at his doorway! This is found in Genesis 4:7. Cain had no thought of repentance. He only wanted revenge. And that is where many people lie in their emotions and thought process....not to repent but take revenge on another because he may have something the weak emotion led person does not have.
WE should ask: "Am I moving forward or stuck in
drama city where the patrons care more about skin color than character of
heart"! Yes, we pray for them, but also pray for laborers who live in those
areas to cross the path of someone who will give them God’s love and His truth
that brings change. Lets speak truth and not lies or half-truths! . Sin is sin,
and beating people to get an agenda is not life-giving nor life sustaining. It
is only death that leads to more death and we have seen a lot of that lately.
It was
Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God who did not agree with sin. He listened to the
voice of His Father. He heard and revealed the noble heart. Will we?
Will we
take a stand for nobility and stop being deluded. Or will we continue to
operate out of our emotions? May we all
see with the eyes of God what is shaping our culture and dividing families this
day. May our children and grandchildren not drown in a cesspool created by
silent Christians and absentee prayer
people. Today we must stand against our emotions. May we not be controlled by depression,
anger, anxiety, jealousy, hopelessness, fear, or suicide. May we choose to move away from fake media and
hear God so that we are not pulled down with the fraud that causes one to struggle.
Lord, we thank You for the words to say and pray for others that will bring
Even now we
thank You that we are free to share deepest feelings to those qualified to
help. Father, thank You for the gift of laughter and ability to find humor in
even serious situations this day and within this hour. Holy Spirit teach us to
take our eyes off circumstances and trust in You, regardless of how we are
feeling. WE give thanks for that patience to possess soul and the ability to
take charge of it (Luke 21:19) .
We believe
we are set from negative emotions this day in Jesus name. Amen.
New teaching at: Voice of Prayer
Revelation 4: A Door Open in Heaven
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