We are Not to Withstand God (not to
stand opposed in firm determination or with strong resistance ) Blood, Fire, Vapor and Smoke:
Cosmic signs will appear toward the Day of the Lord. Will inspire awe for
believers and terror for unbelievers. Some see it as a revival, but it is far
more…it is also judgment on unbelievers !
6:12-17 NKJV I
looked when He opened the 6th seal, & behold, there was a great
earthquake & the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, & the moon
became like blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree
drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14 Then the sky receded
as a scroll when it is rolled up & every mountain & island was moved
out of its place. 15& the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men &
the commanders, the mighty men, every slave & every free man, hid
themselves in the caves & in the rocks of the mountains, 16 & said to
the mountains & rocks, “Fall on us & hide us from the face of Him who
sits on the throne & from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of
His wrath has come, & who is able to stand?”
In reading through Revelation, you find the seals being opened. Of the first four seals represents that of persecution to Christians. It is a testing and sifting time for those who will stay with their Lord or follow the anti-type against truth! The white horseman is sent. Here one can see destruction start on unbelieving Israel. The second horseman is war and bloodshed. He is the firey red steed. He represents the slaughter that will come. The third, that of the black horse represents poverty and famine. In this is there seen that of much sorrow, much death with mourning, and there is desolation. (see in Isaiah 50:3; Jeremiah 4:28 and Lamentations 5:10.
The rider holds in his hand a “pair of scales” representing
economic terms where food prices rise some twelve times the normal price. The
fourth rider is the pale rider of the yellowish-green horse. The rider’s name
is Death! Pestilence like is seen in corona-virus. Then the wild beasts are
sent out. It is here when saints on earth cry out. It is when prayer is sent
upward by both saints and those who would be martyrs. Asking for God’s vindication:
Luke 18:7-8.
The sixth
seal is opened.: earthquakes, and storms, will affect the moon and sun. There
is the falling of stars; and terrors on earth.
Not sure
where you live who read this, but some most likely in a region where
earthquakes dominate the land! We hear of many on what is called the Sandwich Islands and then again, we hear of regular tremors somewhere along the ring of fire in the Pacific Ocean.
like Cascadian Subduction Zone will occur and will be far worse than that of Yellowstone : Ash will fall not from 1
volcano but from many volcanoes with great eruptions: boulders thrown out by
heaving mountains filled with volatile gases in seismic eruptions responding to
plates shifting, mixing gases, soil with rock debris & hot lava will flow
like rivers ; light of the sun, moon & stars will be blocked by that which
fills the atmosphere from volcanic activity: No sunlight will enter/winter will
begin, a scenario for that inundated by a severe volcanic apocalypse /Tsunamis
will take out coast lines:& Gospel Message will be given
In this text of the sixth seal is a straightforward and uncomplicated detail. But this seal has a far more importance in that it is referring to judgment and gives the effect the signs have on the people of the earth. In Revelation 6, the first seal is opened. The Lamb of God opens it. The first rider is equipped with the bow but no mention of arrows!
The seal is opened: a
great earthquake. This would seem to make a great land mass to move. You can see the
effects given in Acts 16 when Paul and Silas are locked away in a prison for
doing God’s will on earth. It was for God’s purpose indeed!
But when we see the terms of anger and punishment given, God
caused an earthquake to open the ground in the wilderness and swallow Korah and
his fellow rebels found in Numbers 16:31-32. This passage is a good read when
people rebel against God. We should know what God has given to us for knowledge of Him. Verse 32: “and the earth opened its mouth and
swallowed them up, with their households and all the men with Korah, with all
their goods. 33 So they and all those with them went down alive into the pit;
the earth closed over them, and they perished from among the assembly.”
Found in Psalm 18:7, David writes, "Then the earth
shook and trembled; the foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken,
because He was angry" (see Isaiah 5:25; Nahum 1:2-5). God prophesies in
Isaiah 13:11, 13, "I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked
for their iniquity. . . . Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth
will move out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day
of His fierce anger."
Yes, the word earthquake makes a frequent appearance in the
passages of the Bible. Revelation 8:5 reveals one accompanying when the seventh
seal is opened. Also noted is that of the two Witnesses found in Revelation
11:13. In the same hour there was a great earthquake and a tenth of the city
fell. In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were
afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven.
Revelation 16:18 and there were noises and thundering and
lightnings; and there was a great earthquakes, such a mighty and great
earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. In this
a great city has fallen completely. These who oppose Christ, the many people’s
are judged!
A remnant watches for the Lord’s coming. When the Holy Spirit was first
given: was drop by drop through this prophet like Elijah,then a drop so to speak through that
prophet Isaiah, also to that prophet Daniel and through the many others….but still drop by
drop. Deuteronomy.
32:2 Let my teaching (doctrine) drop down as the rain, My speech distill as the
dew, as raindrops on the tender herb, and as showers on the grass.
Jesus, the
Lord of glory, will be bringing universal change of nature by His Holy Spirit.
This outpouring of the Spirit
is very comfortable to the righteous, those who go beyond any religion in their
walk with the Lord. Their hearts are set to His truth and not to man's lies! Matthew 5:20 for I say to you, that unless your
righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes & Pharisees, you
will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
But the
unrighteous hear this and they tremble. That is a day coming, the Lord will be
seen, but what ushers His coming is the wonders in heaven & earth, blood,
& fire, and pillars of smoke. It is coming soon: the sun becomes dark and
the full moon will turn as blood! How much will we see, well God knows!
It was
Jesus’ death that occurred as the result of the plan & foreknowledge of
God. But it was the free and very sinful acts of the many human beings that
executed the plan. What you see in this nation is also going on around the
world in other nations as well!
How can the two work together for the end of days?
Those who are the true followers
of Jesus have the Holy Spirit of truth, they hold the Gospel in their hearts,
for they pray and they heed the warnings coming to earth! Many signs and
wonders will fill the earth & heaven! And these will usher in a harvest of
many people. Just as the Holy Spirit was
hovering over the face of the deep in Genesis 1, He still hovers over God’s plan and it is a good one! Are you
ready to see what comes next? I am!
A great
event will be occurring: Joel 2:30-31 describes the same event:
"And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: blood and fire
and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into
blood, before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD."
In what is called the Olivet Prophecy, Jesus repeats
the warning found in Matthew 24:29 and Mark 13:24-25: "Immediately after
the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not
give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens
will be shaken".
The Event is given in detail of signs in the sun, in the
moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity,
the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them from fear and the
expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of
heaven will be shaken. (Luke 21:25-26)
When men's hearts are failing, it is because they have faith in men and not in God. They can have faith in their workplace to receive that check! But what happens when that company closes down or you have to do something that involves you health-wise to keep that job? Will our trust be in the Lord or will we take something deadly into the body that kills in time?
No men should have faith in Jesus, the Savior of the world!
In the Sun Darkened: John gives a really good description of that darkness of the sun
as "black as sackcloth of hair" found in Revelation 6:12, he was comparing it to
the black goat hair used to make sackcloth and tents in the day in which he lived. This may
depict a solar eclipse or possibly a massive dust storm caused by a volcanic
explosion. Even today, smoke from fire and volcanic ash hinder plane travel in some regions of the world.
In the teaching of the plagues of Egypt, the 9th plague was
a “darkness which was felt” and I remember telling of this same thing, when we
were on vacation one year when we traveled to some caverns in Carlsbad, New Mexico. As a youth with my family, we hiked downward into this large open room some 800 feet below sea level, and some 50 people with us huddled together in this damp
cathedral type room to experience “lights out”! AND the darkness felt like it
was embracing you. Yes, might God Himself repeat something so wild as a
darkness that is so thick you cannot see your hand before your face. Might you experience that darkness that has some type of life to it, that it scares you?
Whatever the case, visibility will be severely limited, even
during the daylight hours while people are about their daily business!
Chilling truth is there is a sight of moon like blood. Calamity
and death as seen in war can be seen in that color of the 2nd horse
seen in Revelation 6:4. We have conditions here today of smoke and dust in the
atmosphere. It is not an eruption but fires burning in California, Oregon and
all the way into Canada! This smoke can lay in the gorge areas of Washington and one cannot see the sun, but only a gray cloud floating that has the stinky smell of smoke. Saw a visual on the weather channel this morning concerning smoke. With the fires here and on the other side of the world, there is this non-stop plume of smoke circling daily the earth.
The Stars will fall and within John's imagery there
reflects countless late figs blown down by the violent winter wind as seen in
verse 13. Most likely this will be a meteor shower of immense proportions,
possibly containing larger-than-normal meteorites, thus increasing the effect
and making it seem as if the stars themselves are falling. We hear of many near
misses, but some have made their way through our atmosphere to touch the
surface of the earth. Some meteors have landed in Russia. And that of Apophis, a super meteor is to come to earth in 2029 and
they say you will be able to see it visually with your own eyes sometime in the year 2025. ( thinking they mean with a telescope) But seriously, that is not too far off now from 2021!
The Sky is to recede. It will appear like a scroll rolling
up. The mountains and islands will move. Such a convulsion of the earth will
cause massive land transformations. The shifting of all land and that which is
under the sea, all will face a violent shaking that will see much destruction and a loss of life. I keep wondering if that is happening now. Where the sun sets in the west seems to be setting in a different place from last year September 2020.
The sixth seals’ disturbances all point to a cataclysmic force
where the land is in a calamity, nothing is stable, not the earth under our
“And who is able to stand?” Well this is answered in
Revelation 7 where 144,000 servants of God on earth (Revelation 7:1-8) and the innumerable
multitude of saints arriving heaven seen in Revelation 7:9-17. These 144,000 are able to
stand on earth protected by God’s seal in verses 2-4. And the innumerable multitude stands in triumphant before the
throne of heaven in verse 9-10.
And then the silence! Oh yes, that silence. It will be
thirty minutes of silence. No one anywhere will speak. Those sealed by God will
stand. They are sealed by the Holy Spirit and that is found in 2 Corinthians
1:22 and Ephesians 4:30. Of the 144, 000 sealed is found in verses of
Revelation 7:2-.
After the silence, it is full speed ahead! It is final judgment time. Do you think they will have a "double jeopardy" question to answer? Because double is the danger coming to those who resist God and His Son Jesus! Does God have our attention? Do we take note of the changes going on around us in nature? Or do we blow off any word from Him when He tries to give us warning of what is coming?
Yes, the time is nearing. Only this Gospel has this prophecy of warning. No other has the prophecy. No other will know but those who heed the word of God and live. We read, we hear and place His word in our hearts, because that day is fast approaching. But for you and I, we live and move and have our being in Him. And without Him….all is lost. Does God have our attention, yet?
An Outgoing Love -The Offering of Jesus
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