Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Exodus is No Myth

Psalm 105:37 He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes. 
God brought them out with wealth!
We are told of the Hebrew nation, that when Moses brought them out of Egypt there was none feeble among them. That meant that the ‘older citizens’ had good health. They did not require walkers or any other device for aiding their ability to exit the bondage of Egypt! And in other passages, their feet did not swell even though they walked many miles daily!  Nehemiah 9:21 Forty years You sustained them in the wilderness; they lacked nothing; their clothes did not wear out and their feet did not swell. 22 Moreover You gave them kingdoms and nations, and divided them into districts. So they took possession of the land of Sihon, the land of the king of Heshbon, and the land of Og king of Bashan. 23 You also multiplied their children as the stars of heaven, and brought them into the land which You had told their fathers to go in and possess.

Today, I hear people call this Exodus of the Hebrew nation out of an Egyptian culture an actual myth! Really, and do they not know or even venture to see the actual place where the Hebrew nation crossed the Red Sea and where the wheels of the chariots fell off when the high waves of water came back forcibly to earth. Those broken chariots actually lie today beneath the waters of that “crossing” never to be used again against another. In that region coral has built homes for marine life on those big wheels once decorated for Pharaoh and his use. Yes, that which served Pharaoh once is found to serve the small marine life that lives below in those depths this day. There are documentaries that show that, but you have to go to where people give truth and not lies.
I could not but think of these people and the many that had left the clutches of a Pharaoh to go to the land God promised them when the temperatures were really hot during the day and really cool at night. I cannot  but think of nothing else how they came across desert and had almighty God for their light at night and a cloud of protection. It was He who quenched their thirst in the dryness of a barren land they crossed.  Nehemiah 9:19-20 Yet in Your manifold mercies You did not forsake them in the wilderness. The pillar of the cloud did not depart from them by day, to lead them on the road; nor the pillar of fire by night; to those them light, and the way they should go. 20 You also gave Your good Spirit to instruct them, and did not withhold Your manna from their mouth, and gave them water for their thirst.

Even though many did not take the land promised serious, yet Joshua and Caleb did! And in that quest of land by faith, they took possession. Nehemiah 9:24 So the people went in and possessed the land; You subdued before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, and gave them into their hands, with their kings and the people of the land, that they might do with them as they wished. 25 And they took strong cities and a rich land, and possess houses full of all goods, cisterns already dug, vineyards, olive groves, and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate and were filled and grew fat, and delighted themselves in Your great goodness.

Those who began the trek out of Egypt fell in the desert due to unbelief with no trust in God! Those who had been born out in that forty years of wandering were those who would be willing to go into Canaan land in the time that they grew to adults and settle in what was promised to their parents.  In the New Testament, the book of Hebrews reveal a “hall of Faith”. Hebrews 11: 20-29  Amp. Bible  20 [with eyes of] faith Isaac, looking far into the future, invoked blessings upon Jacob and Esau. 21 [Prompted] by faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons and bowed in prayer over the top of his staff.
22 [Actuated] by faith Joseph, when nearing the end of his life, referred to [the promise of God for] the departure of the Israelites out of Egypt & gave instructions concerning the burial of his own bones. 23[ Prompted ] by faith Moses, after his birth, was kept concealed for three months by his parents, because they saw how comely the child was; & they were not overawed & terrified by the king’s decree.  They were not moved by him…   
24 [Aroused] by faith Moses, when he had grown to maturity & become great, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 25 because he preferred to share the oppression [suffer the hardships] & bear the shame of the people of God rather than to have the fleeting enjoyment of a sinful life.  26 He considered the contempt & abuse & shame [borne for] the Christ (the Messiah Who was to come) to be greater wealth than all the treasures of Egypt, for he looked forward & away to the reward (recompense),
Hebrews 11:27 [Motivated] by faith he left Egypt behind him, being un-awed & undismayed by the wrath of the king; for he never flinched but held staunchly to his purpose & endured steadfastly as one who gazed on Him Who is invisible. 28 By faith (simple trust & confidence in God ) he instituted & carried out the Passover & the sprinkling of the blood [on the doorposts], so that the destroyer of the firstborn (the angel) might not touch those [of the children of Israel].
 29 [Urged on] by faith the people crossed the Red Sea as [though] on dry land, but when the Egyptians tried to do the same thing they were swallowed by [by the sea]. 

It is always God who calls us out of bondage to that which is life in Him. It is coming out of disorder into an ordered life that is peace and safety in God. It is a land of peace. And in that peace, ‘Shalom’, is nothing missing, nothing lacking, and nothing broken. Biblical Christianity is always up front and personal….in the FACE to FACE presence with God and with people. But new technologies are allowing us to ‘dial down’ that up close human contact! Today wemask,  have even been dialed further down by those who choose to fight against God by making many wear masks. So communicating by appearance with a mask on your face might seem unnecessary and just wrong, but God expects us to have confidence in Him whatever the trial. And if it needs to be removed, then He will certainly reveal that mask will disappear.
Moses was one who was born a Hebrew but lived out the first part of his life as an Egyptian. He was even one who wore that black liner on the eyes and he was seen as a son of a Pharaoh, one with wealth and influence. Still within his blood and heart was one who was to lead the Hebrew nation out of the clutches of such a rule. He saw the Hebrew people badly persecuted. He saw hostile attitudes, and violent reactions, and we too can face those things at times. But God still rules!

It is God WHO desires each of us to have an inexhaustible faith by speaking to encourage & warn in the face of any conflict or persecution.  Our lives are to be that of faith that is alive, seen as active & always on call! A life that responds to what the occasion demands should appear as on time, in order & right to the point. In this walk one can encounter hostile attitude, possible violent reaction, forcing mask protection, but we should be inclined to act for God that calls us to do something for His glory. God is not a myth nor is the Exodus of the Hebrew nation one. The Bible reveals what happened to a ruler like Pharaoh who worshiped the most odd things and ended up as the last plague dealt with. Yikes!
 With Warning & Without Warning: Announcement was made only in plagues numbering one & two, four & five, seven & eight to Pharaoh. But three, six and nine came without warning.
1  In the reading of Exodus we see each plague was directed against those things that the Egyptians worshiped.
2   In the plague 2 of the frogs, the marshes of the Nile have a great amount that fill that area, but even in this, the frogs were found in the fields, courtyards, and even in the bedrooms! Pharaoh begs relief….
3  In the plague 6 of the boils,…this was aimed at the commercial and artistic wealth of Egypt . The first plague started at the river & now industry was a source of trouble for the Egyptians.
4  In plague 7 of the hail Pharaoh begs relief, promises freedom but hardens even further
5  In plague 8 of the Locusts: Pharaoh bargains; begs relief but hardens his heart further
6  The ninth plague was darkness………experiencing the darkness………that wraps itself around you……..the commentaries write that they thought it was one of the fiercest of sandstorms in that area ……Pharaoh again tries to bargain but hardens his heart
7   Plague of the  gnats/lice number 3, boils number 6 & darkness number 9 came without warning.
Plague 10 was the death of the firstborn…… Pharaoh begged Israel to leave Egypt ( Exodus 12:31-33)  and upon changing his mind, Pharaoh chased after them with his many men  and fine chariots, but their life ended in the watery grave. Exodus 14: 23 and the Egyptians pursued and went after them into the midst of the sea, all Pharaohs’ horses, his chariots and his horsemen. 24 Now it came to pass, in the morning watch, that the LORD looked down upon the army of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud,  and He troubled the army of the Egyptians. 25 And He took off their chariot wheels, so that they drove them with difficulty; and the Egyptians said, “let us flee from the face of Israel, for the LORD fights for them against the Egyptians.” 26 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea, that the waters may come back upon the Egyptians, on their chariots and on their horsemen.” 27 And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and when the morning appeared, the sea returned to its full depth, while the Egyptians were fleeing into it. So the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. 28 Then the waters returned and covered the chariots, the horsemen and all the army of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them. Not so much as one of the remained.
Exodus 15: 19 For the horses of Pharaoh went with his chariots and his horsemen into the sea, and the LORD brought back the waters of the sea upon them. But the children of Israel went on dry land in the mist of the sea.

Pharaoh had the opportunity to change his mind for good but continued in the disordered love in a disordered desire for loving something else more than knowing God and loving Him. If we are truly with God, abiding in Him, then our trust is that He is taking us where we really will thrive for His glory and not ours. If we truly trust, then our faith is to be healthy and stay healthy. We go into the land that is peace, and where we become all that He planned for us from the foundation of the world!
To me, Moses inspired others! What a relationship he had with God. Joshua is one who was inspired by the life of Moses. For he certainly continued to move into the promise land when Moses had died. We should not be backing up to try to capture last year, but continue in that with the Holy Spirit that is guidance and comfort for this day and this hour! May we prompt others to join us in this walk of faith that is one of adventure in Him, where faith is seen and joy is heard!  Because what others may deem as ordered and desired, yet God calls it disordered love in a disordered desire for something else, He will see it gets changed and He will do it! Amen!    

  New teaching at: Voice of Prayer  
Desiring Prophecy

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New teaching at: Life Giving Wells
The Sharp Edge of Identity

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