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"Upgrade" |
I traveled some years with my husband and daughter to visit family on the east coast, Texas and to the United Kingdom. In the time spent in the air, I was amazed how much one could see and not see from different window seats upon those plane rides to far away places. Still the most interesting expectation was when landing to find the car or SUV you requested was not returned and would you like an "UPGRADE" for the same money? Yes of course an " UPGRADE" would be awesome indeed! Thank you, sir! We certainly receive that UPGRADE!
In our walk with the Lord, we too should expect to "upgrade" in our living and dependence on God alone. That means we let go of the "me" factor and trust that He knows what is best for us today and always. In recent days I had pulled a sewing machine (portable) out to fix or make repair on something I was wanting to wear in a few days. In finding that machine tucked away in a closet, I located what I call my sewing can (use to hold delectable shortbread cookies) and find the thread and needle for that repair. Alas I found only a small amount I needed and was not equipped to work on the fabric I desired to repair! The needle for the machine I had remaining in my needle package was for satin type fabrics and the need I had was for a thicker needed on article to repair.
While I put all the supplies away that day, I thought of people needing an upgrade in their lives in living out tomorrow but rely on the same old way of accessing another. Had heard of a teaching this gentleman gave today and he was speaking of the amount of money he spent on his first cell phone. YOU know it was one that filled your hand and it was a $1.00 a minute to use it!
But surely to keep up with this ever-changing world, one should have the more up-to-date technology that Yes, will be outdated by this same time next year, but is required to stay abreast of the activities on one's job, one's life in church, outside of church, family outings and gatherings and even for that expected vacation. But if we make no change in say acting like a 20 year old with a job and responsible in paying his bills, we revert to living with parents and with no job.
As we mature into adults there should be those changes made so we act not like the 50-80-year old acting out in a tirade because we did not get our way. It might describe one lady in particular if you watch your news in this land of America. Seriously who wants to be Tammy Tirade when you are to be an example to others of the matured elderly person? When does one stop to consider others and how all lives inter-connect in some form, way or fashion!
My husband and I saw this technology they are using in some schools now for their math. Interesting that this 3rd grade class was just then learning addition and subtraction. I know students who are home-schooled are learning multiplication and division in their 3rd grade lessons! The "students" in this class setting each got a game. And in this fantasy game to play, their math skills would be seen as to the addition and subtraction problems. Again the child is hypnotized to this screen in their relaxed behavior as they would incur at home and they play till they get the winning loud sound on their hand-held game equipment. ( alas other students stop their learning when they hear another students subsequent win)
MY question: "why would they even need the teacher if all you need just require someone to hand the game to a child to play with at school?" My husband noted a robot might could do that if they are just being instructed by a game in learning math and numbers.
Still, I rather liked the hands on approach of someone explaining the points for math or arithmetic, which ever word you might prefer. Children need and require those who actually took math and gained skills from learning it through the fundamentals of the deliberate hands on and being active to focus on learning something to benefit one's future!
I remember my husband telling me many years ago how his mother agreed with him to learn a trade. His step-father preferred he learn to continue in the work of dairy farming. With his high school education and diploma in hand he went to a trade school. And in his years, he learned the many things that he "must" know to be active in performing that trade on the job. And in all his learning, he added other things like machining, automotive repair to see equipment work in their designated design for optimum performance. He learned to be a crane operator, and be licensed on the job. In that he was also taught safety, compliance with those rules and regulations to comply and adhere to safety for all involved. He even learned on the "job" CPR and to teach others including me his wife!
Still, his objective was to see his life was not limited to himself but to see his work would be something that would have meaning, be a help to those in the trade industry and those who would require that kind of expertise. Certainly it has proven true for him to in the right place with that he has learned to bring forth a skill that helps keep power going for millions of people. His expertise helps him find those who have skills in the trade do their job and to have a respect that it is to help others as it does him and their family. Surely if we can see beyond the end of our nose and see that God has planned for us a good life and to follow His lead and when we do, we excel into that which He intended for each of us.
A man we knew in high school had just passed just a week or so before Thanksgiving 2018. He was only some two years older than us. We knew of him and his love for people. He was always joyful, looked like Elvis Presley and could sing like him as well. This man chose to be the dairy farmer. He chose something to help others. It was stated that he loved the country life and the "hard"work that went with it.
And that is the Optimum word.....he loved the country life and the "hard" work that went with it. Certainly there are those who are cut out to be the dairy farmer, there are those cut out to be the wheat farmer, the noble chef at a fine restaurant, the doorman at the Ritz-Carlton or the mother of children willing to sacrifice her life to see her child learns not only math, but all the other things of knowing God.
God sacrificed HIS Son that we would become His sons by believing on Him, the Lamb of God. My husband sacrificed for us, his family to know as much as he could to learn a trade that some would need and require one day.
One would call it work and yes and much labor, but it is producing a harvest in lives who will take their trade into their future and into the lives of their children too.
Yes, within that my husband has seen that ability within many for the trades in electrical, welding, and automotive repair. He continues to talk with those who desire to learn and give them insight to the capabilities within themselves.
He desires to see others trained and see that they get the needed education and skills to become and fill the need of the tradesman in this nation we call America. For surely not everyone should sit at the computer all day long to create.....I know one who does and he certainly has the aptitude and ability for God gave it into his being and he will train others in it. But many others need to know math and some science in other ways where the computer and the tradesman can work hand in hand to be those trailblazers that follow Jesus to become all that God planned whether as the gatekeeper, the accountant, the noble work of "the garbage man" to the work of a nanny, a veterinarian or sales person at J. C. Penny. What skills we take from kindergarten into adulthood should mean we can read the English language, work math like a pro and operate a computer that sees technology is good but upgrades especially with God.....means we are going somewhere with purpose for God's glory and not ours!
Stop for a day or two, and consider your abilities.....and apply God's word to your life. For surely an upgrade is needed in this country and all nations of the world. When men take their place as the man of house, the husband of one wife, the father of his children, and lead by those things that God destined, then we see "upgrade" for all peoples no matter their color or ethnicity ......truly God is all we will ever need when we live our lives for HIM and through Him.
New teaching at: Voice of Prayer
Honoring the Lord
Also visit my You Tube channel Voice of Prayer for more teaching
New teaching at: Life Giving Wells
Without God is Grasping for the Wind
Also visit Life Giving Wells You Tube Channel for more teaching
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