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Where is that ball? |
On arriving, put our newly purchased items in the refrigerator, I walked to the patio door to put the dog outside. There is no need to coax her for at this time, she needs to go, and just after her instant on the spot to check our the visitor to the back of the yard she took care of her 'business'.
I watched someone in a "golf cart" drive ever so slowly by from the south to the east and he must have spotted some ball in the yard. Watching me and my reaction to his moving around the cart and into the yard, he waved and of course I just waved back. Still watching him, he leaned down to pick up this ball laying in full view. He said laughingly like: "the wild playing and swinging caused his ball to go wild and out of control"!
He appeared anxious to leave, and I started to mention the other ball to him that I saw closer to the big tree in the yard, but like a flash he was gone. I saw him go around the hill and back onto the golf course and again he appeared to examine the ball. I am thinking the ball he really wanted was the one next to the 'willow' tree but he dare not come close or attempt to check out the other ball in the yard. I figured he was thinking about the dog and the woman who would not leave the back door so about two minutes later the man drove off in his golf cart and our dog came indoors. About 2 hours later, I see him appear, again driving slowly, like looking for "his" ball, and then he headed back towards the club house. Am thinking he was really wanting his ball and not someone else's to play with!
Our habit is to check our yard for any balls and bring them to be washed. We find people who like playing golf and will put them into egg cartons to give them balls for their use for their time out on the golf course.
We were on a walk about this morning and took the leisure time to searched among the tree seedlings and "yes, some weeds" but did not find any except for the one that the "golf" courses lawn groomer ran over with blades and caused it to split open. It is those tiny balls that people will practice with for that specific game. Today, I am still in awe of those who play and have the expertise to get that tiny ball down a fairway to "a hole in one". I always tell my husband that golfers on this course close by to this house, do not know the amount of hole in ones they get when hitting it toward our yard. For surely you have to look hard sometimes when the grass is needing a real good cut job! And when searching, it is there that we find the little ball as a "hole in one" shot within the tall grass!
While walking in the brisk air, and sustained wind of about thirty miles an hour this morning, I was reminded of the walk with the Lord. Surely we would like our days to hold many "hole in one shots ", to hold many rainbows with no rain, to have many windless days to enjoy the peace and quiet! Yes, we desire to hold have many days of receiving a mystery gift from a close friend or family member who lives far away, yet our days should hold the significance that God paid a big price for each of us.
Some people will denote their day the "moment they saw their baby smile" for the first time. Some will delight to tell of their seeing their child walk or graduate college. Still others will mark the day when they married or when their children marry.
In my life, I have seen and heard the stories of many relatives and friends of my parents who served their country. My uncle, as a young man flew as a pilot in World War II. He would land on those ships with a landing runway and a short one at that. My brother-in-law served in the military for more than one term. He also went to help those in Guatemala when they were ravaged by earthquakes. And in my life, I see someone like my husband who goes the length to see people treated fairly, not because of entitlement, but because they love God, love this nation and choose to work for this nation. And as a people to see the glory of God to fill this world with His glory.
We have to choose life in Jesus and through Him see many others come to Him for salvation. But even more we can look to life eternally with Him, where the atmosphere is filled with life and joy, where He lights our days forever with His beauty and His glory.
Those certainly without Him and remain that way will be that way forever. They will forever be in darkness, forever be in torment of "what if", forever in the atmosphere where there is no refreshing breeze or water to enjoy but only darkness and sulfur filled darkness. What is sad is we each have "the choice" to choose to make a difference like Jesus did.
We have the choice to worship Him now, we have the choice to view His likeness in the Word of the truth now and we can participate in His love, His life and His joy that is found in the peace of God now!
For many it is see how big a house can one buy now, how fancy can that new car be, how fancy can our vacation be this 'summer' (now). For me, I have joy all around me. I have the joy of seeing my husband while he is checking out a a new recipe to prepare for a meal. I have joy of seeing our grand-daughter pretend she is surfing, and yes with surfing music on..( I think is was by the Ventures) and of having joy when our dog brings us her stuff toy to us the first thing in the morning.
I have joy, not for what I have lost but for what I have gained through Jesus for it is in Him that we live and move and have our being. One scripture that stands out today is John 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
Our energy for a life of devotion to Jesus comes by the Holy Spirit. In this we draw our lives from His life, from this we have energized prayer, energized worship, the partaking of the Lord's supper and see healing come to every part of our being.
Our focus is to be on Jesus, not to one man or one woman, for each of us is learning, growing and becoming what God planned. It will take all of us not just a few of us to participate in His kingdom that has come. Do the works of Jesus while there is still time while it is still day. Go through your day and tell others of those parables Jesus taught from, and pray. Ask the Lord to direct you into His perfect plan He destined for you to live.
Sometimes when we lose something, it is likely it was not needed, but that which is for life we need every moment of everyday of our lives. The Word of God is life to us, and from that Word Jesus appeared and was crucified. In that we should no longer fear man or death. Don't be hard-headed but be willing to let go of your life to gain His. For truly God is good and His truth is everlasting. Unity is allowing Christ to be the head of our lives. Unity is not a building, a pastor, or a religious doctrine, but is Christ, the anointed One Who is head of the believer's and King of the Jews. There is one God and His Gospel that came through as GRACE in Jesus.
Ask God what He has placed in your hand for His good and then ask Him how to walk in it. For then truly joy is heard, rainbows are seen, peace resides when truth is coveted from the word of God.
Remember you can always buy more "golf balls" but will never buy your way out of hell for we all need a Savior. Amen!
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