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If going without the Lord a ladder may not always be handy! |
Our walk is with the Lord, not with the world, and people on a whim can drop whatever is worthwhile and go after that which brings no life or light to them or anyone else.
My husband and I were talking about this very subject yesterday and was telling him of the responses I had heard. He told me he had watched Ask the Pastor on Friday before noon, while I was preparing to teach, and he said this question was asked, again, once saved always saved!?!
When born again, our walk is with Jesus seated on the throne of our hearts! In that we are led by His Holy Spirit that directs to the very things Jesus spoke while on this earth. In these many years I have been alive, I have seen many leave a church but also leave the Lord. In their hearts they chose to worship someone or something besides the Savior, the Redeemer to the lost!
Jesus said this in the book of John11:25-26 NKJV 25 "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die. do you believe this?
In looking up the meanings of these words, this was the event to bring us back to spiritual truth and to have moral recovery. Now if you have ever gone through any kind of operation, you can find there is a time for recovery. It is not instant on the spot, and you are back on track, living pain free life to the full. Although we can believe for that still our bodies have some time of recovery, so too our spirit man was be brought to life to be born again into the things of God. That is, we are to find His ways and His thoughts and walk that way.
So if you were born again, ten years ago and walked out to do something else without regard to God, His Son Jesus or to your life forever, then you have walked your own way, doing your own thing and of which we know is destructive indeed!
Surely God has His plan, and His ways and truths are not burdensome. Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:30)
We are to be coupled with Him as two oxen in a yoke for plowing. For in this daily togetherness, He declares the way and light of the morals we are to have for useful and protective life. Of that which pertains to Jesus, is the easy way truly to go and walk daily!
Proverbs 3:17 tells us of the wisdom of God. "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. 18 she is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who retain her.
Now retain is to hold fast. So if I followed my sister up a tree and found her laughing every inch of the way, I surely wanted the same laughter to come back down. But alas, I was not the tree climber she is or was. I wanted to do that, but for her it was a game, something of ease but spelled something totally different for me. I had to wait for help when someone hopefully would bring a ladder to aid or assist me down the thirty foot tree. Yikes!
Following after someone or something is not good at all! The only one we should follow and be excited about is following Jesus, the Son of God, who was resurrected so that we might have life everlasting.
Now there are things safe to do outside of climbing trees, like hiking, or swimming or even playing golf. But those things must be kept as exercise and not as a God to us. Now of course, my sister was being herself at age 6 who loved trees, and great heights. She love to stand in red ant beds and see them crawl over her feet. Yes, she out grew that thing, and today serves the Lord not looking for ant beds, but looking out through prayer for those who might be running down the wrong path, moving away from Jesus and just looking to live like the world.
God surely wants us to enjoy our life and He will give us those righteous desires when we delight in Him! Psalm 37: 3-6 NKJV tells us this: 3 Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. 4 Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. 6 He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light and your justice as the noonday.
God's justice is supreme in power in authority as well! It is His truth that penetrates through of the excuses we can make about either our conduct or just bad attitude! But we must understand that it is all measured against His truth. It is so important for us to see His standard of truth, the very word of God as the path to follow and in having a true desire to live by faith in Him, then we see and recognize His very sense of justice.
So the entire picture of following God is paramount. Reality is God's justice and verses 4 through 6, that a committed person will delight in the LORD, will set His standard of truth in their heart, and begin to see justice appear as the noonday in their life.
If delivered from sin, then why go back to the sinful life? That good life, that where the precious pearl is found in Jesus, the manifested Word of God
Once saved always saved........that is used to find an excuse to do whatever the flesh creature desires. The person with a heart for God will truly remove their wants out of the way to make room for peace, joy and love of God for themselves and their loved ones. May we truly stay within the Word and see His justice revealed for us and our families. May we truly desire to see our justice come as the noonday when we follow truth having moral recovery from sin and find the love we were meant to know. It is more exciting to follow Him in an adventure of faith than to follow someone say like up a tree and cannot get down without some assistance. The Lord will keep us in that place that is safe for us and within this relationship we will see the effect of the permanent change that is for the positive in our lives! Amen.
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The Presentation Of God's Empathy
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The Ark: The Symbol of Strength
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