Sunday, January 8, 2017

Now What Did They Write on that Last Message and What Did They Hear?

Picture taken by R. Twiner
Was 3 a. m. and I was awaken by the Holy Spirit. This was early Saturday morning (7th) and I was hearing what people had read in their "tweets", their "emails", and on texts within their phones!
I heard His voice and He spoke "what will they remember of that one connection?"
Of course, my answer was, " I would not remember it unless it was earthshaking and life changing!"

I rolled over in bed, looked intently at the wall and I had the thought of those who were on Flight 93 from the September 11, 2001 attack on the U.S. The flight was a domestic and carried passengers. Taken by hijackers, it was set to head for Washington D.C. Yet, it crashed many miles from where it took off from. In the county near Somerset in Pennsylvania, the place of impact of the plane was found. The brave people of that flight took control, and with that regained control, they took it to a place where no other lives would be lost. When the Flight ended on the edge of a reclaimed coal strip mining field, some calls had been made to those who knew no problems or tribulations were occurring that would affect their entire lives and most likely forever.
One recorded voice of a man spoke, "let's roll!"

Yes, many spoke of his last words and many spoke on news reports of those last recorded messages left on cell phones with calls home to loved ones this one last time, and I'm certain in these many years, someone could probably remember what that last recorded call spoke to them. But the one I heard, was this:"let's roll!"

Would you remember what someone tweeted to you last week or even last year? What message can you recall on offhand?
So in the dark early Saturday morning, I thought of the ones I had received. One was from my brother-in-law about our step-dad passing suddenly and the other when my mother passed last year. But of tweets, or texts, I just do not remember them unless they impact my life!

What was it about that group of passengers of Flight 93, that they fought the enemy and took control only to find they would crash somewhere far from their homes? I believe they wanted to live, but also believe they wanted no one else to die. What kind of courage does it take and what kind of faith in God is required for us to move out of complacency into "warrior mode"?

I do not know about you, but I am "really tired" of dealing with goofy stuff from the enemy. I am profoundly set to highly esteem, and give glory to God Who created me and in that created me to be healthy and whole.
Proverbs 18:21....death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life].
Do we really understand the importance of our words. We can speak them, text them, tweet them, and some merely think on words. And what fruit are they producing? Is that messaging to bless another or is it to show anger to another?

"Let's Roll!" means to me, we are not done, there is still some fighting to do! The people, those passengers from Flight 93 had homes to get to, families to see and yet they fought the enemy in the skies over some major parts of the East.

I think of hearing God speak to me in the early hours of Saturday morning and remembering all the people I came in contact with the previous few days in the 1st week of January 2017.
Is our communicating just a low level type of communication or are we really putting forth a real effort to touch another with God's love?

My husband has been reading from the Bible some scriptures that involve faith. He was reading in a commentary last night, and I was moved by what this man had written. Ah yes, just his opinion and yet I was drawn back to those "mere words written and spoken". I was drawn to this teaching about the woman with the issue of blood and the man Jairus asking for Jesus to just speak the Word and his daughter would be healed. For even Jairus knew as a leader and one in authority, he recognized authority speaking to him. And he believed Jesus as He spoke.
I do not know who reads these and I know not who might be helped from them. But I know that when we speak God's Word, and when we keep it in our hearts we grow in our authority to speak to situations, and yes tribulations. We can speak to wind and say, "Peace, be still!" And we can speak to our neighbor and give them the hope of God and give them His love when no one has shown them anything but anger and hate!

The gentleman who wrote this commentary taught how faith is a 'TOUCH', where the flesh of many a person within a throng........just a group who gather, cluster together, swarm and never 'Touch' by faith.

I do not want to be a throng: who travel just to see the next thing, text my thoughts, but actually to let someone know I (or we) are thinking of them. For those on 9-11.......certainly faced tragedies, personal losses and some the loss of husband or wife or both. For someone can and will send the never-ending voice of the enemy that will always murmur despair and bitterness. But we are to be a force of people standing together in one heart after God and who live through the eyes and ears of our spirit.
Allowing God to try our thoughts, then our attitude is in worship of Him, our thoughts care not who sings or can't sing, but that we gather together to hear the Word of God preached that esteems God, brings honor to Him, and shows us to be distinctly  different.

I remember not long ago, that in leadership all must be on the same page. Yet, if  each in leadership within the same meeting have different texts of the Bible say NIV, KJV and the Living Bible, each will read a little different but carry the same subject.
But if you ask all within the meeting to turn to page 1096 in their Bible, they each would have something different listed on that specific page.

Allowing God to search us, and our hearts thoroughly, we will keep His words and lose ours. When our hearts become the pure, then we speak and minister to another pure words. ( see Psalm 139:23)

It is getting to know and allowing Him access will we actually see His Words bring life to us.
Was at the Dr.'s office on Thursday. Routine, blood checked, hemoglobin checked, and asked specific questions. Next appointment mentioned.  Fine, lets get to the checkout from this appointment. While walking to the checkout area, I could hear a lady speaking. Her voice spoke softly of her friend who had just passed. Just spoke of how sick she had gotten in such short time, but God allowed her access to help her. No family close by this dying woman of a young age. The only family lived many miles away and had just come and left many days before the final testing came on the dying woman. So this woman speaking held my attention, not specifically by her words, but by God Himself when He showed me her heart. And she has a heart that is filled with the God-kind of love.
The woman had stayed with her young friend, Took her home from the testing, made her comfortable. Put on the favorite teachings of Jesus, and played two of her favorite HYMNS.  And within those few hours the woman transitioned to meet Jesus. God had sent this lovely older woman to minister life to her and in those hours of finding out her fate, she was going to pass with no one there. But this "angel", God had sent was seeing she was cared for. Within those days of Christmas, while families were meeting, while they gathered to eat some really grand food and open packages, this woman saw to the "younger" ones cremation. In those days, this older woman now relayed her story and God allowed ME to SEE her heart!
Trying to finish with the checkout from appointment........I finally got in the waiting room to leave. And I made my way through the "throng" of people and I reached to touch her shoulder and encourage her for what she had done and that God loved her and was with her. I encouraged in His love and she leapt out of her chair and flung her arms around my neck, and we embraced. With tears streaming down her face, mine, my husbands and some others in the throng, she pulled back with a smile and her face was well-lit. She exclaimed His goodness and then the Lord told me to tell her to remain in His peace. She kept saying thank you numerous times. I patted her shoulder once more, turned toward the door, but I could still see her heart. And she loved!

What message might they remember and what will they hear? Will they be words of God's love and praise to Him and how He loves His children? What message will you write with your life? What will your life speak to others? Will it be like the throng of words spoken every day or will they really make an impact on others?
It is up to you. But it is time to ....go forward, with God oozing through our pores that others will know that we have been with Jesus. Amen!


The Voice of Prayer  has a new teaching published:
God Our Hope

You can also visit my Youtube channel The Voice of Prayer for more teaching at:


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Quality Faith

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