Thursday, January 15, 2015

Rings of Gold

Proverbs 11:22..........22 As a ring of gold in a swine's snout,
So is a lovely woman who lacks discretion. NKJV

Without character....yes, a woman  without discretion is compared to a sow with a gold ring! But I found other things while looking over this passage and was intrigued and taught much about it.
Yikes, am I trying to impress someone by getting the "extra work " done? Do I think I am the only one who can do it? Have I forgotten who is God around here? Believe me, I am one who tried to control a whole family. You know the comings, the goings, the eating times, the trips out of town, the party times, the family gathering times, and oh yeah, even when everyone needed to sleep. I felt like the control tower for an airport. No, seriously, I wanted everything just right. You know the right clothes, the right hair-do, the right time, the right-weather! Seriously, Shelley, the right weather..............well, you get what I am saying. That is why it is SO IMPORTANT TO STAY IN THE WORD OF GOD!

In ....2 Peter 2:20-22.... 21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: "A dog returns to his own vomit," and, "a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire." NKJV
Wow, returning to the "old way" of doing things.............not good .........!
It is literally one who turns from the clean to the unclean, the one "without taste" [Taa'am (OT:2940)] without moral perception, without morals, running after lusts that are filthy. But I also found that is also the word translations as a meaning for "fool".
Again, is it possible that one would try to flaunt that, " I am really good at my job", or "writing", or "raising children", or "exercising to sport at size 4", or "climbing the corporate ladder"?
Is it possible when the plea comes for whatever kind of help, am I the "only one who can do the job"?
We certainly can see the importance of God's Word when we are raising our children, for we have a book to guide us and teach us in directing our children to life. And when we read in Proverbs, we find much about "the fool".

I also found this in :Proverbs 12:15...............15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
But he who heeds counsel is wise.  NKJV
Wow, right in "his own eyes"........
My daughter and I have had very little time together the last few weeks, for me, getting over "this fatigue thing" and she, well, a "a coughing thing".
Now we both are those who spend time in the word of God and prayer. We certainly have the "God of Glory" move on our behalf numerous times. But one thing is certain, and that is we need to heed the advice of the Holy Spirit when He says "to REST"!

We came to that "thought" over the weekend. We had a meal together and of course, it is always fun time with our grand-daughter. But from the time of our trip back East in the Fall, we took "No Time" to recover from such a long trip. And as you know your body will certainly tell you when it is time to stop and "do nothing"!  Right?
Well, long story made short, we both each had a choice. We could do things, the right way and in character with God and His grace or do things our way, and keep doing and doing and doing with no rest.
So, were we finding OUR counsel better than God's? I will let you be the judge!
Just like our children who should be raised in admonition of the Lord, we too, should continue to follow His plan for wholeness and goodness to us!
One thing is certain, we had a choice and chose the wrong way to walk. I tell you today to choose His plan that keeps you safe everyday. Just because someone needs you to go above and beyond today or tomorrow may not be in the best interest of you or your family or God's plan.
Keep in mind that we are always forgiven when we confess "being foolish" and thinking we know the best for ourselves.  There are many nice people out there in the world, and would love to have our help, but is it above and over the amount any sane person should try to do? Do we ask the Lord for His wisdom or do we like the stroke my fur kind of thing?
If we keep doing the same thing over and over, and the result is the same, then we should be asking, "Lord, what can I change today in my life that will help me do what You have asked me to do and not become weak in my body?" "Where Lord, am I missing the mark to write and pray and study Your Word and keep watch on my home and family as well?"
This is from my perspective and will different from yours. But "choose life" today!
Lord, I do not want to be like those who refuse to pay attention to You. Help me to turn my back on being stubborn. Help me to not make my heart like flint and refuse to listen to the words that You have sent by Your Holy Spirit. (Zechariah 7:11-12)

Father, today I thank You for Your grace to us. I am thankful for the Blood of Jesus shed at Calvary. I am thankful that I have a new day in YOU. I pray for all who read this and who feel that they have at times strayed from truth and YOUR guidance and chosen their own way to do something specific. Father, in Your Word, You define who is wise and understanding among us: the one who shows it by his good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom. (James 3:13) Deeds that follow You and by being disciplined to listen to instruction in being wise with our health. Today, I want to encourage others to follow YOU and choose life for their bodies. May they find "the security" that lies in knowing You KNOW the best for each of us. When our flesh rises up to make a "foolish" decision, may we quickly discern the threat of such deception and to walk in truth of what YOU show us to follow in righteous and peace. As Your eyes look into the inmost places of our hearts and minds today, please help us to allow YOU Almighty God to show us things we need to see and teach us how to be free from the attitude that we can do it ourselves. Create within us a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within us. Remind us daily Lord that we are "not to trust our feelings and emotions" for they make terrible masters. Thank YOU Lord for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus' name. Amen.

You can also visit my Youtube channel The Voice of Prayer for more teaching at 


  1. There needs to be a better balance of rest and work in churches today. I pray more people hear and act upon God's calling for ministry to balance out the need,

  2. Amen! There will always be times to work hard in life, but it will in His strength, not our own. Sometimes I think we forget John 15:4 about simply abiding in Jesus, and we start trying to just make things happen by our own power. But without Him, we can do NOTHING.

    The story about ignoring God's telling them to rest reminds me of a my wife and I were driving home from a friend's house late one Sunday night. We were about 3 hours from home, it was 10pm, and I had to work early the next day. Plenty of "reason" to ignore the little feeling on the inside saying "Don't leave yet". Neither of us had any peace. She kept feeling like she should avoid the left lane (which is unusual for her). We felt so bad we finally pulled off and spent 45 minutes at a restaurant drinking coffee. Finally, we felt better and continued home. Near home, we passed a large accident. The news reported the next day that had been a head-on collision with a drunk driver, in the left lane of our side of the freeway, and that it had happened 45 minutes before we got there.

    What if we had continued to push through, and not stopped? What if she had ignored God's leading to avoid the left lane? It's so important, like the blog post says, to always be listening for God's instruction, even when it doesn't seem like a big deal, or other things seem so important.


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