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Embracing the dangerous might hold you by its thorns! |
What does evil imply when applied to daily living? Scripture tells us to choose our friends carefully and many people choose to go with the "crowd". Some remain close to family for "a hand-out" while others look for various ways to get rich quick! Still the word of God, His very wisdom tells us to choose our friends carefully!
You can pick a crowd, any crowd, like the one at the coffee shop, the crowd at the Mall, the crowd at the workplace and within them you will find at least one person either male or female remarking of someone in the world won the lottery, someone bet on "something" with their last buck in hand and won some pile of money or else they are that someone "who" was just given "a new car" when they "just" walked in the door of a store downtown.
And many times, yes, the "righteous" fellow will gravitate to follow the crowds roar of enthusiasm for those who made it rich overnight, became a new car owner or even of that person who instantly experienced loss of weight overnight.
Anyone knows that keeping healthy takes more than just healthy eating. It takes more than just reading on the latest health tips available to us. It also takes exercise and good sleep at night to heal a body and give it strength.
Others know that the best foot forward is out the door to the job and out the door to make a difference for your family. But there remains the man or woman who choose to seek the easy way out. They seek to gravitate toward the couch, stay out of gyms or even the paths to exercise the "dog" and continue to the ever growing waistline. They seek to avoid the workplace by looking for a simple hand-out!
Ask anyone who has really lost weight and how they at the very beginning of the "want to" within them, they turned to a spouse for support, they turned toward applying some effort to getting back to being the size 10 or the size 12 by eating less foods, picking healthier foods like fresh vegetables and they prayed over their endeavor to lose weight. It takes the diligent person to find the rowing machine, the outerwear for the rainy season to hit the paths in the rain & where the joggers are found regularly, exercising their way to the more healthy body for long life.
So if one finds friends who travel the wine tasting avenue, then there could arise some potential hazards to the wine tasting adventure. One might turn out to be a real "taster" to never stop.
On the other hand, you might run with the crowd who loves to stand in long lines for lottery tickets to win the next big bundle to just go buy more lottery tickets. Yikes!
Proverbs 12:24 The hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy man will be put to forced labor. Yes there are many who want to live in the mansion. There are many who want to drive that "exotic" looking car without the work behind the effort to gain such things. The slothful will not rule! Those lazy in attitude will remain slothful. They will devise their way from their sofa or couch.
To really work, is to put effort in that which we are hired to do and do it to the point of where we are learning to increase in productivity. My husband is one who wanted to learn as much as he could of the maintenance side of machines, the maintenance of anything that would produce energy to mankind. In that he learned skills, not found in books but with "all hands" on the job and in detail of the very work. In that today, he teaches many others how to apply those skills.
In recent weeks, I had noticed of the special reports of those in cities looking to put more emphasis on what people call the blue collar worker. In that is the person who has learn the trades: welders, electricians, mechanics, iron-workers, etc. For in this the 21st century there is a laborless force for what is called the "blue collar" worker. Many women are choosing that field many frown upon today as it pays too little for them to live. But when one really looks at the whole picture, many are choosing to have "no labor" a part of their lifestyle. They want: easy, free if possible, with no loss of that which they really like and entertain in their hearts to have.
Then one can also find those who say they are doing their work, but later find that while a specific problem reared its head, the person or persons involved or should have been involved were off like someone on Facebook! Surely if we are hired to do a specific job, then we should do it to the ability God has given us to do our work.
Something for nothing seems to be the motto of many people and of those coming from other countries as well! It appears that some people choose welfare instead of actually living a life to the full that God planned for us to live. Even today we find those who would rather play games than work. But this great land was built by the strength of arm and the sweat of the brow.
I think of my Savior who walked to many cities in His day to make sure others would know of the love that had come from the Father of lights and of whom there is no variableness. He never changes His mind. He does not change His word to fit us, we spend time in His word to find out what we truly look like and how we are to act. So that one day we will see the actual image God planned for us what it looks like and how to live that image.
Hopefully we are embracing truth and not lies. Hopefully our eyes are on Jesus and that we have strength and power through the Holy Spirit to move through this life in that which pleases God. In this hopefully we awoke today and rose to walk another day in the glory of the Lord, to hear Him speak and how we can be a blessing to others. This was never meant for hand-outs but a hand-up to see God's love, and bask in the beauty of Him. Today commit your works unto the Lord and your thoughts shall be established. (Proverbs 16:3) Be fixed in Him, and when you do, He leads and controls your thoughts toward life, to brand-new information that is from His treasury of wisdom. Really there is no alternative!
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