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To find the answer He will take us by hand to lead the way! |
If our steps are truly ordered for us by God Himself, He will direct our prayers in that way that is pleasing to Him and address the specific request in a way that reaches the persons heart for God. We are reminded in Psalm 37: 23-24 that "the steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way. 24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him with His hand."
Certainly this speaks of the "good man" and the LORD is delighted in his way. That is the good man is choosing God's ways and God's thoughts! And it is the LORD Who upholds him with His hand. That is a close up and personal walk in prayer.
Was thinking of prayer this morning and praying for those who have churches and no services in a shut down environment. I was praying for those who have called on us in the last few days to check us. Thank you!
But I thought of those who have no changed heart in all this that is occurring in this land where last year we had people taking a knee to exploit a nation and its flag through sports for their own demands. We saw those hold up traffic in streets to voice opposition that looked more like war on society than a peaceful march! People do not get hurt in peaceful circumstances!
There was that which exalted sports, belittled the President of our country, exalted those claiming Global Warming and raising up teens to speak of something they know nothing about and that continual war of words. And for this new year, we find so many who appear to be experts on something that just appeared to kill. There is that struggle in making life altering decisions and there can be that struggle to pray the right way to hear God's answer for what we seek to know.
In struggling with prayer, where does one start to pray for something as our nation that is so loved by some and hated by so many more. For us, we were taught the Constitution of the United States. We pray what we know as taught from school and the importance of why it was created. In one nation under God would be there is a people who pay attention to what God speaks and to what God does! But there is a vast difference between knowing Him and only able to speak what we think we know.
As for those who live outside this nation, the struggle can still be experienced in how do I (normal) person reach an all-seeing and all-knowing God?
Relationship is how you get to know someone. Romans 5:8-10 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. 10 For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.
Yes, it was God who initiated that relationship. He extended His love toward us. It was by the very "gift " of His Son and it was His blood shed that marked that gifting toward us and it revealed a depth of love so profound that it is viewed every time we take a look at the Cross and take a deep breath of air.
1 John 1:5-7 NKJV 5 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
Having that light is seeing those with which we have fellowship with and who we, in the love of God,reach out to in the good time and in the time of the not so good time. It is God who revealed to us a forgiveness in that is always being extended toward us, and in that beckoning,we keep coming back to "relationship' where a routine is begun. It is an adventure with God and an expectancy that is ground shaking, and power motivated to give us strength, where His word produces in us more peace, more joy, and more abundant life.
In this walk of seeking time with Him in word and prayer, we are reminded what a great salvation had appeared to man. It is a place to conform to the image of our Father and see Him as Jesus saw Him so many thousands of years ago. It is looking for His presence, guided by the Holy Spirit to do our part, but if we do not give time nor attention to that fellowship with Him, then absolutely nothing will happen!
So when a "trial", a "testing" or tribulation appears, one can certainly make their way to finding that last prayer that was prayed for Aunt Jane when she broke her ankle or Aunt Susan when she wanted to fly to South America but she was afraid of heights and had never flown before, might not be the right thing for say your neighbor next door! And in this prayer time, we should expect to meet our Father and find His heart for this time now for who is on our heart now!
Prayer is finding the Father's heart for the "one" in a trial to causes the heart to pound, and the pulse to be felt in the brow of one's head.
this hour, this scripture speaks loudly…… Revelation 19:8-10.....NKJV 9 Then he said to me, "Write: 'Blessed
are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!' " And he
said to me, "These are the true sayings of God." 10 And I fell at his
feet to worship him. But he said to me, "See that you do not do that! I am
your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is
the spirit of prophecy."
our words and worship exalt the Lord God or do they exalt something else
we are all working together, just like the written word……”see that you do
not do that! I am your fellow servant and of your brethren who have the
testimony of Jesus. Worship God!”
In the book of Revelation, we find that which involves some of the "church" but much has to do with Israel. Still it has to do with what is called "the Tribulation" time.
In the book of Revelation, we find that which involves some of the "church" but much has to do with Israel. Still it has to do with what is called "the Tribulation" time.
How many days before the tribulation begins? Is it still years off or does it begin tomorrow? Whatever the timing, still our heart is to be for God our Father and to His eternal glory. When
we truly have the Holy Spirit residing in us, our words and worship are
witnesses of who we follow, who we listen to, who we read about, and who we
confess! There
is One true God and we are to follow Him and be obedient to all He asks us to
So when we seek to pray for another, will we ask Him what is His heart for say: Mike, Candace, Julie, Lisa, Randy, Duane or Sheree? Will we speak to Him about our heart's willingness to pray and to seek His plan for their life in this very hour where hostile actions are seen, rants are heard, and anything but truth seems to appear in the oddest places. Will we pray when earthquakes are growing, storms are increasing and viruses appear with many names?
Certain things of routine have changed here in this nation we call America and call home. But the same God who desired this nation to be a place where His name would be lifted up has come to know a place where humanism has taken over. In a nation built for His glory by men who sought God in prayer and in truth, we find many trying to change what He purposed for this nation of many but still one in Him.
Will we repent of sins, repent of those things so contrary to His ways and His thoughts to become that man or woman to pray in His name that which is given to us through the words of Jesus?
If struggling to understand this time and this hour, you might pray this:
Will we repent of sins, repent of those things so contrary to His ways and His thoughts to become that man or woman to pray in His name that which is given to us through the words of Jesus?
If struggling to understand this time and this hour, you might pray this:
Father, in
Jesus’ name, we thank You for filling us with the knowledge of Your will in all
wisdom and spiritual understanding that we may walk worthy of You Lord, being
fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of You.
Thank You today for those past and present relationships. We have learned from those who oppose us and from
those who are for us. You taught us to recognize and understand our strengths
and weaknesses. You have given us discernment and spiritual understanding. We
enter Your gates with thanksgiving in our hearts!
We thank
you for good friends, a great family and good health but we pray for those who have lost dear family members to a virus that no one can see with the naked eye without the help of a microscope. We know this did not surprise You or Your Son Jesus. We pray for those who have lost a spouse, a child, or sibling to be armed with Your love, and to know Your goodness in the midst of a dark storm of adversity and change. May they see that what was a normal routine can be turned into time with God to hear You speak. For Lord we know it is in those times of trial and testing will be what we choose to make of it, and is that moment when You should be first of whom we seek. You have not given us the spirit of fear, but you
have given us power, love and a sound mind.
You have not left us orphans. YOU have given us Your Holy Spirit to comfort us in trials and tribulations. You have given us Your word to strengthen our hearts in time of trial when the "suddeness" of what is normal for life moves to engaging in warfare to live and not die! Psalm 118:16-17 speaks The right hand of the LORD is exalted; the right hand of the LORD does valiantly. 17 I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the LORD.
You have not left us orphans. YOU have given us Your Holy Spirit to comfort us in trials and tribulations. You have given us Your word to strengthen our hearts in time of trial when the "suddeness" of what is normal for life moves to engaging in warfare to live and not die! Psalm 118:16-17 speaks The right hand of the LORD is exalted; the right hand of the LORD does valiantly. 17 I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the LORD.
We thank You for those we pray for today as they are made in Your image. We pray and ask in Jesus' name what You have for each of them. We pray that they would know You above all else and that You will be pleased as we seek to know more of Your heart for them. Today, we pray according to 1 Corinthians 15:33 that they would not be deceived: "Evil company corrupts good habits." We know from this that evil companionship's will corrupt and deprave good manners, morals and character. We pray that as You reach out to them, they will reach back for You.
We ask for their eyes to opened to see what You have before them. May they know the total surrender and submitting to You means a place of refuge in peace and love where self-interest is not seen. We know from Your word that submitting to You is resisting the devil and every evil ploy of the enemy.
We pray for those listed today and believe them to lead in places You have called them to lead. May they discover the Promises You have for their lives and speak them to these people in their dreams tonight and every night. Father, we pray for each of these dear ones and expect balance in their lives that is met in them both spiritually, physically, socially, financially and mentally . May they be the spiritually motivated people who reside in truth, unified in their faith in God through the shed blood of Jesus and not by manipulation!
We believe them to be those who are those who walk in truth & give
other’s the God kind of love always! In this love of God, we believe them to be the head and not the tail, to be above and not beneath. May they rise in knowing the truth that prevails when spoken with faith in their heart to see those mountains move out of their way. We expect their walk by faith will be an adventure of life like no other they have ever had. We believe their hearts to be encouraged and their love will spill over as they bring much glory to You our Father of glory. Be blessed forever our God of glory. Your truth prevails now for each made in Your image. Amen and Amen.
For each of you who must make a decision for life, who may live in America or elsewhere, still a struggle may be evident in your life. With all the chaos in this world, the only sound life that can be found is in Jesus. It is a life that is refreshing, ....but it only comes when we repent of our sins and receive Jesus as Lord. If there is no repentance, then there is no refreshing to be had ever.
In the daily walk with God, peace should rule our hearts. That comes when we read and apply God's word to our lives, to situations and to our prayer time with Him. Manipulation should not appear in making a connection with God our Father. To manipulate with many tears but not have your heart in it, is not an expectant heart to receive anything from God Who is in heaven. Knowing our Father through Jesus goes beyond any traditional religion and it will always go further and deeper into that of God, for it involves those who will with selfless desires move toward Him who hears from heaven. If you struggle today in prayer, and in making the right decision, ask in His name that which comes in the authority of Christ and will glorify Him. In this the Father is glorified and Jesus is honored and you will find peace that lasts you forever!
In the daily walk with God, peace should rule our hearts. That comes when we read and apply God's word to our lives, to situations and to our prayer time with Him. Manipulation should not appear in making a connection with God our Father. To manipulate with many tears but not have your heart in it, is not an expectant heart to receive anything from God Who is in heaven. Knowing our Father through Jesus goes beyond any traditional religion and it will always go further and deeper into that of God, for it involves those who will with selfless desires move toward Him who hears from heaven. If you struggle today in prayer, and in making the right decision, ask in His name that which comes in the authority of Christ and will glorify Him. In this the Father is glorified and Jesus is honored and you will find peace that lasts you forever!
New teaching at: Voice of Prayer
Eat This Bread, Drink This Cup
Visit my You Tube channel Voice of Prayer for more teaching
New teaching at: Life Giving Wells
Distributing His Peace
Visit Life Giving Wells You Tube Channel for more teaching
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