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Who Do WE See? |
There are times we have had people over to have a meal with us or to pray for them. We have people over to bar-be-que outside and to have dessert as well and in all these instances I always pay attention to how people regard someone else's pet! We have a small poodle and she loves people sometimes too much and some people do not love having any cats or dogs around. Some say they think the animals are dirty, but I would disagree with them.Not to say they are wrong, but they may likely have an allergy to pet fur and the such. And we certainly pray about those who we invite and how much time we should allow our pet to remain with us while we have visiting friends for their good as well as for our dog's good!
But in regard to Proverbs 12:10, this was written in the time when the concern in that era was rare. But what this verse is revealing is that a wicked man even when sensitive, will still show cruelty to other human beings.
Deuteronomy 25:4 You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain.
Of course they would not muzzle the ox to keep it from eating the grain it was threshing out! The ox was working for the man and he would be fed for his work while he worked. The apostle Paul even quotes this verse in 1 Timothy 5:18 to illustrate the principle. For the scriptures says, "You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain, and "the laborer is worthy of his wages."
Now this was given by the apostle in reference to those who study the word and teach that same word of God to others. Within this Paul was speaking about elders who not only governed but also fed the church God's word. They were to be given a double honor of office and that suitable salary.
Was listening to a teaching early this morning, and the pastor said he always reads to show himself approved by rightly dividing the word of Truth. He also said that he relies on the Lord to show him where to study and what points the Lord desires to reveal to those coming for that teaching.
He also said he has seen such people coming that the Lord gives him before hand, that some, yes the church come with an attitude of coming for a "cold" cheese sandwich at a FEMA quonsite hut rather than expecting that royal feast with several courses to eat and that would be a lasting one for the people with that "meat" through the week.
I certainly agreed with him on that point because God has given us His best, but are you and I willing to receive and expect His best from Him?
A friend of ours who lives in Seattle area had an incident in the last couple months that had caused her back to break and she is in rehab at this moment. Had sent some texts back and forth to her and was wanting her to know we remembered her birthday. But what she sent me spoke volumes. Even though in pain she was getting out her note pad and writing Scriptures down to remind herself daily of God's goodness to her. She was going over scriptures that she knew she should be speaking over herself and the situation.
God causes us to rise out of situations when we put His mercy before our eyes. When we allow mercy in, we can see situations change for our good because in the situation we choose to love God and put Him first!
Yes, we expect her to be on the mend, but we also expect her to be enjoying life to the fullest for years to come!
One word here, she is a dog-person and has had many pets. You can tell the real dog lover, because they care for them as a part of the family not as another 'thing'.
If we really looked at ourselves in the mirror, would we see Jesus or a growling dog leering back at us? If we really took stock with what is within our heart, would we quickly remove that growling dog from us and replace within our heart the goodness of God by speaking His truths into our hearing so that our faith grows in HIM and not in ourselves.
Father God, I ask You to help us to receive the Word of God not as the word of men but as it actually is, the word of God which is at work in us as one who believes. (1 Thessalonians 2:13) You have warned us in Your word not to believe every spirit but to test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1) O, God, as You increase my belief, teach me also what not to believe. Matthew 24:10 tells us that in the last days many will turn away from the faith and will betray one another. Help us to never turn away and turn cold. It is Christ our Lord who said, "I tell you truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. " In fact, He went on to say " he will do even greater things than these, because Jesus was going back to the Father." (John 14:12)
Today, Father our cry is to meet and know Your mercy that is unending. In spite of Your chastisement, the ancient Israelite's kept sinning. In spite of Your wonders they did not believe, so You ended their days in futility. Psalm 78:32-33 O Lord, I do not want my days to end in futility. I want to participate in what You are doing here, right now in my generation.
I pray that the eyes of my heart may be enlightened in order that I may know the hope to which You have called me, the riches of Your glorious inheritance in the saints and Your incomparable great power for us who believe. Ephesians 1:18-19
Father, thank You for Your unfailing love and how vast it truly is to us! Thank You for the plan and purpose You have for our lives. Jesus, You are the same: yesterday, today and forever. You are the God of might and strength to us, hallowed be Your name. Let Your hand become my help for I have chosen You and Your ways. My lips utter Your praises. I bless Your name forever. Come kingdom of God and be done in me this day in Jesus' name. Amen.
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